The Programming Process
The programming process typically begins in the month of January. During the month of January all students meet with the counseling staff and receive an overview of the programming process. The overview session includes a review of graduation requirements, exploration of the Program of Studies, instruction on how to complete the Course Request Form, and suggestions on how to choose courses to maximize opportunities available after graduation.
After attending the overview session, each student is encouraged to make course choices based on discussion with parents and review of the Program of Studies. The Program of Studies is developed to provide a detailed summary of the comprehensive courses offered at Patchogue Medford High School. Please study this guide carefully and follow the course selection guidelines before meeting with your counselor to review these requests. These tentative choices should be listed in the eSchool course request portal and parents and students have the ability to make these requests.
All students are then assigned an appointment with their counselor to formalize and submit your program requests. At this appointment, counselors will make placement decisions after reviewing student requests, teacher recommendations, past performance, standardized test scores, and college and career goals. Student requests are release on the parent portal of eSchool for parent review. Parents are encouraged to make appointments with counselors to discuss any questions or concerns. Check your Naviance homepage for updates on the programming process or Schoology pages for any important dates to note. Naviance and Schoology includes information on department activities including but not limited to programming, special presentations, PSAT/SAT/ACT, scholarships, colleges, etc. You will never miss the opportunity to take advantage of our exceptional services if you visit these sources regularly!
The Counseling Department continues to utilize Naviance, a web-based service designed for students to assist them in their exploration of personal interests, colleges and careers. Naviance will also be an integral component of the college application process as all school documents (transcripts, teacher recommendations, etc.) will be sent to colleges electronically within the Naviance system. Naviance will allow students the opportunity to research colleges and careers, build a resume, sign-up to meet with college representatives visiting our high school, and stay up-to-date on anything and everything related to life after PMHS.
Visit your Naviance homepage frequently for informational updates on items of importance to parents and students. Parents who currently do not receive email updates from the counseling department should contact counselors to provide updated email contact information.
Contact the counseling office at (631) 687-6530 for more information about your Naviance account.