
  • Attendance Phone:  631-687-8702 or Prompt #2 on the main line

    It is requested that parents contact the school in the morning if a student will be absent.  When calling, please leave a message stating your name, your child’s name, date and reason for absence (sick, family business, etc.).  If a telephone call is not received, the main office will call the home.  In addition to telephone contact, the parent is responsible for sending a note to the teacher stating the reason for the absence or tardiness.  In the event of an extended absence or an emergency, please call the main office at 631-687-8700; otherwise, the attendance line is to be utilized for student absences at 631-687-8702.  You may also leave homework requests on this line. Please be reminded that homework requests will be filled within 24 hours from the date of the request.