Medford Elementary School
Arrival and Dismissal
The location for the arrival and dismissal for all walkers has been moved to the main entrance of the school located on Dahlia Street.
The location of the mini buses will be moved to the bus loop, along with the other buses, to the back of the building.
Parking for all is allowed in the back-parking lot and along Dahlia Street only during arrival and dismissal times. Cones will be placed at the entrance and exit of the school’s driveway on Dahlia Street during arrival and dismissal to prevent cars from entering the front driveway during these times. Thank you in advance for your support in providing a safe arrival and dismissal of our students.Visitors
As always, the safety of our scholars is our first priority. In order to keep the students, staff and their families healthy and safe, visitors to the building will be extremely limited. All visitors will be required to wear a cloth face covering and to complete a health questionnaire available on the district website and which is also posted on the doors of the main entrance. Visitors will be required to enter at the main entrance, present photo ID, sign in our security system, and have a thermal scan.
Students will only be released to parents/guardians and designees indicated on the parent portal or on the emergency contact card. Your child will not be released to anyone else unless stated in writing. To access the parent portal please visit our website under the Parents tab and select eSchool Parent Portal.Early Release
Early release of your child should be reserved for important appointments only as this disrupts the valuable classroom lesson time. If you must pick-up your child from school, please send in a note to the main office with your child in the morning. All dismissal changes must be in writing. We will not accept dismissal changes of dismissal over the phone. Students who will be picked up for early release need to be signed out of school no later than 3:00 PM. After that time students will only be released by their teacher at their regular dismissal time. When you come to pick up your child you will be required to enter at the main entrance, present photo ID, sign in our security system, have a thermal scan and sign out the child.