Arrival And Dismissal

  • All Visitors

    As always, the safety of the children is our first priority.  In order to continue to keep Barton safe and secure, doors will remain locked at all times.  A greeter will be monitoring the Main Entry between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.  Visitors will be required to enter at the Main Entry, present photo identification and sign in.  For the safety of our children, visitors without photo identification will not be permitted to enter the building. 
    Please do not ask us to compromise the safety of your children by making exceptions.

    Student Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

    Kindergarten walkers will enter the building via the Main Entry and will exit using the Rear entry.  Grades 1 through 5 walkers will enter & exit using the Rear Entry.

    Early Release of Students

    In order to minimize any unnecessary disruption to the classroom, the early release of students is strictly limited to emergency situations and unavoidable circumstances.  Parents are asked to avoid scheduling non-related school activities that conflict or interfere with Barton’s regular dismissal times.  Students may not  be released from the office from 3:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.  Once dismissal starts, your child  will depart as scheduled by either taking their assigned bus home or exiting the building as a walker. In order for your child to be released to anyone other than the parent/guardian, that person MUST be listed on the emergency card and present photo identification.

    Additionally, parents of student bus riders must provide WRITTEN NOTIFICATION to have their children dismissed with the walkers.Everyone’s cooperation in this regard is important to insure safe and smooth school operations.

    Childcare Morning Dropoff

    Please use the side entry and make sure to sign your child in for the morning session.  Please do not drop your child off without coming into the building.  Childcare staff will be available to assist with morning arrival. 

    Childcare Afternoon Pickup

    Please use the side Gym Entry in the afternoon when picking up your child.  A security guard or greeter will be stationed at the side gym entry doors in the afternoon.

    Visitor Parking

    Please follow all regulations when parking at the school, remember that the side driveway along the side of the building is a No Parking zone.  Visitor parking is available in the rear parking lot directly across from the blacktop.  Available parking spaces are appropriately lined.  Please do not create spaces for your own convenience.  Handicap parking spaces are available and are only for handicapped registered vehicles.

    Parking Lot Safety

    To maintain student safety, please note a few important issues regarding the rear parking lot and walker entrance at Barton Elementary School.  Adequate parking spaces are available for parents during student drop off and afternoon pick-up. Painted lines indicate the correct traffic pattern and no parking is permitted along the side driveway. All of these items are intended to provide a safe arrival/dismissal for your children.

    For the safety of all children, please review the list below:

    • Children crossing should be granted the right of way at all times
    • Reduce the vehicle speed considerably
    • Park only in designated spaces, never park curbside
    • Respect the requests of School Crossing Guards; they are here for student safety
    • Do not block crosswalks and fire hydrants with vehicles

    Thank you in advance for your continued support and cooperation.