2023-2024 Extracurricular Clubs and Intramural Programs

Club Name Club Description Time Frame Offered
1st Grade Club This club is designed to foster positive social relationships with peers and to promote good sportsmanship. The goal is to create a safe space for students to meet new people and be comfortable to compete, learn and be themselves. Winter/Spring
Art Club Students will use artistic abilities to create a project over the course of the club. 10/18-1/10
Canaan Cares Part of the school-wide positive behavior plan. Facilitates students to refelct on behavior. November-May
Math Olympiad An opportunity for students to engage in creative problem-solving activities while developing the ability to reason, to be logical, to be resourceful, and occasionally to be ingenious. November-March
Student Council Student council is a group of student leaders who work together to promote positive change in their school community. Winter/Spring
Glee Club Students will learn and perform and singing and dancing routine. Winter/Spring
Walking Club Students spend time outside walking and understand the value of physical activity on overall well-being. Fall/Spring
Gymnastics Club Students will learn how to safetly participate in gymnastics events including rings, tumbling, balance beam, etc. Winter
Mentoring Club Students will meet in assigned groups to essential and everyday life skills, positive behaviors and connect/act as role models. Spring
Play Club Play Club builds socialization skills through organic play. Free play outside, organized Gym activities and Board Games. November/December
Project Strive Youth empowerment program that focuses on topics such as positive self-image, goal setting, career exploration, relationships and making healthy decisions. Winter/Spring
Soccer Club Introduce students to soccer skills, participate in games, build sportsmanship. Spring
Game Club Students will interact with others socially building communication and SEL skills through board game play. This Club will meet after school allowing a quiet, calm and relaxing environment encouraging students to strengthen social, interpersonal skills and to have fun. Winter/Spring
Intramurals Students will learn sport specific skills, enhance teammwork and communciation skills and engage in physical activity. Winter/Spring
3-5 STEM Club Students will complete projects and math activities. January-March
Movement Club Students will engage in physical activity. Winter/Spring
K-2 STEM Club Students will complete projects and math activities. January-March
Typing Club Students will learn how to type and practice their typing skills in order to prepare for computer-based state testing. February-May