Health Services

  • Patchogue-Medford Schools recognizes that good student health is vital to successful learning and recognizes its responsibility with parents and guardians to protect and foster a safe and healthful environment for the students.

    Statement on Legislation Removing Non-Medical Exemption from School Vaccination Requirements

     The New York State Education Department along with the New York State Department of Health and Office of Children and Family Services issued joint guidance and a “FAQ”, regarding the recently repealed religious exemption from immunizations.  According to this guidance, children who were previously granted a religious exemption must receive the first age appropriate dose in each immunization series by June 28, 2019 to attend or remain in school or child day care.  By July 14, 2019, parents and guardians must show that they have made appointments for all required follow-up doses. Please click on the link fellow for a copy of the guidance from New York State.

    Vaccination Schedule

    Pursuant to Public Health Law §2164, every student entering or attending public school must be immunized. Public school students must be immunized against poliomyelitis, mumps, measles, diphtheria, rubella, varicella, hepatitis B, pertussis, tetanus, and where applicable, Haemophilus influenzae type b, pneumococcal disease, and meningococcal disease. The required immunizations may be administered by any health practitioner, or at no cost by the county health officer upon parental consent.  Additional information on the required immunizations and doses may found at:

    Frequently asked questions about school vaccination requirements

    Physical Examinations

    In order to enroll in school, a student must submit a health certificate within 30 days after entering either pre-kindergarten or kindergarten, and upon entering first, third, fifth, seventh, ninth and eleventh grades.  Physical examinations must be conducted no more than 12 months before the first day of the school year in question.  Parents should consult the school nurse with questions.  The Physical Examination Form can be found under "forms".  Both sides of the form must be completed.

    Dental Health

    In addition to a physical examination, students will be asked to provide a dental health certificate when they enroll in school in accordance with the same schedule as the health certificate (first, third, fifth, seventh, ninth and eleventh grades), and examination and health history of any student may be required by school authorities at any time at their discretion to promote the educational interests of such student.  The Dental Health Certificate can be found under "forms".

    Absences Due to Illness

    At times it may be necessary for your child to miss school due to illness.  Please see the Absence for Sickness letter below for guidelines regarding school absence because of illness.  If your child is absent or late for school, please call the school Attendance Office.  Please use the Attendance Office Phone Numbers link at the left for your school attendance office phone number. 

    Administering Medication to Students

    The administration of prescribed medication to a student during school hours shall be permitted only when failure to take such medicine would jeopardize the health of the student, or the student would not be able to attend school if the medicine were not made available to him/her during school hours. Before any medication may be administered to or by a student during school hours, the following must be completed:

    • An Authorization for Administration of Medication form signed by the parent/guardian and health care provider must be on file in the office of the school nurse.

    In the event that a student requests permission to administer his/her own medication, a Request for Self-Administration of Medication or a Request for Self-Administration of Medication on a Field Trip form must be complete and on file in the office of the school nurse.  Click the Independent Carry and Use of Medications by Student link on the left under Health Services for more information and the required forms.


    The school will work with student's families to provide detection and preventive health services.  In accordance with law, the school will provide vision, hearing, and scoliosis screening if not received from your child's medical provider.  Health problems will be referred to the parent(s)/guardian(s), who are encouraged to have their family physician provide appropriate care.  Please see the Health Screenings Notice below.

    Weight Status Category  (BMI Opt-Out)

    The State of New York may authorize and require the collection of height and weight data from health certificates in order to track and understand health care issues that affect children.  Patchogue-Medford supports these efforts, reporting information about our student's weight status groups, without sending individual names or information, when requested by the New York State Department of Health.  However, parents may choose to have their children's data excluded from the reporting of this information.  Parents who choose to opt-out of reporting may complete the Weight Status Category (BMI Opt-Out) form (under "forms) and return it to the Health Office in their school. 

    Health Office Staff

    Contact the building nurse with specific questions pertaining to your child.  Click the Nurses link on the left for contact information.